Monday, April 23, 2007

What else can I do when I have a genital herpes outbreak besides taking medicine?

During an outbreak when you have sores or blisters, these steps may help provide comfort.
Keep the affected areas clean and dry.
Loose-fitting clothing may help.
If you have especially painful sores, you may want to dry yourself after a bath or shower with a hair dryer (on low power) instead of a towel.
Soothe the affected areas with a cool cloth.
Soak in a warm bath.
Try not to touch the sores or break open the blisters.
If you do touch the sores, wash your hands afterward. It is especially important to avoid touching your face and eyes after you touch your sores.
Women should not use feminine sprays, feminine deodorants, or douches during a herpes outbreak.
Don't use any creams or ointments on sores unless prescribed by your healthcare provider.
Ask your healthcare provider which of these steps may be helpful for you.

What's new in the treatment of Herpes?

Researchers are working on many drugs that may eventually provide faster diagnosis and better treatment of recurrent genital herpes.